IJP - Israel Journal of Psychiatry

IJP: Israel Journal of Psychiatry | Issue 1, 2013

Vol. 50, Issue 1, 2013 | Israel Journal of psychiatry

Israel journal of psychiatry
Israel journal of psychiatry

Editorial: Fit to be Tied  p.4-5

Seclusion Room vs. Physical Restraint in an Adolescent Inpatient Setting: Patients’ Attitudes Sergey Vishnivetsky,Gal Shoval,Vadim Leibovich,Lucas Giner,Marsel Mitrany,Louisa Volovick,Abraham Weizman and Gil Zalsman p.6-10

Commentary: Can Seclusion and Restraint be Person-Centered? Abraham Rudnick p.11-12

Voting of Hospitalized and Ambulatory Patients with Mental Disorders in Parliamentary Elections Yuval Melamed, Liora Donsky, Igor Oyffe, Sigalit Noam, Galit Levy, Marc Gelkopf and Avi Bleich p.13-16

Dissociative Symptoms as a Consequence of Traumatic Experiences: The Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse Ariel Gaon, Zeev Kaplan, Tzvi Dwolatzky, Zvi Perry, and Eliezer Witztum p.17-23

Initial Validation of the Russian Version of the World Mental Health Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Zinoviy Gutkovich p.24-32

Epigenetic Transmission of Holocaust Trauma: Can Nightmares Be Inherited? Natan P.F. Kellermann p.33-39

Changes in Heart Rate Variability before and after ECT in the Treatment of Resistant Major Depressive Disorder Ali Bozkurt, Cem Barcin, Mehmet Isintas, Mehmet Ak, Murat Erdem, and K. Nahit Ozmenler p.40-46

Correlates of Physical Activity with Intrusive Thoughts, Worry and Impulsivity in Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cross-sectional Pilot Study Amitai Abramovitch, Gil Goldzweig, and Avraham Schweiger  p.47-54

Analysis of quality of Life and Anxiety in Patients with Different Forms of Epilepsy Sreten Vićentić, Milutin Nenadović, Nenad Nenadović, and Periša Simonović p.55-60

Recalling the Threat: Dental Anxiety in Patients Waiting for Dental Surgery Ehud Bodner, and Iulian Iancu p.61-67

Cultural Psychiatry in Tel Aviv: how relevant! Report of the First International Conference on Cultural Psychiatry in Mediterranean Countries p.68-69

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